What Is A “Jesus Only” Church?

Ancient diversions from orthodoxy seem to sprout up throughout the generations of church history. Christians have classically maintained strict trinitarianism. Any departure from this has been looked upon by the…

The Easter Challenge

Dan Barker issued the Easter Challenge a few years ago as an indicator of the demerits of the Christians' Easter tradition. While we use it to commemorate that Christ had…

Does God Know The Future?

The traditional conception of God among monotheistic faiths is that God is utterly perfect in every way. God is all-powerful, all-knowing, all-loving, all-present, all-good, and so on. But some Christians…

Why Are Christians So Mean?

People with views that oppose Christian doctrine often mount the accusation that Christians are mean-spirited and obnoxious. It is not necessarily so much that these groups are merely disagreeing with…