Many may regard the unseen realm with a skeptical eye, relegating it to the realm of superstition. While we westerners do have a scientific disposition and tend to […]
How Theistic Evolution Outstrips Both Creationism And Naturalism
The most productive way to think about the creation controversy will be in terms of models. There are rivaling models that attempt to account for all of the […]
Finding The Historical Jesus Amidst Divisive Scholarship
The identity of Jesus of Nazareth is integral to the Christian message. As Christians, we claim that one’s answer to that question will seal their fate in eternity. […]
Ehrman/Price: Did Jesus Exist? Debate Review
Jesus mythicists are those who deny that there ever was a historical figure, Jesus of Nazareth. In this debate, Dr. Bart Ehrman pointed out that mythicists are often […]
Where Libertarianism Overlaps With LGBT Activism
There are some political issues that are really definitional to one’s political philosophy. For many right-leaning libertarians (especially Christian libertarians), that definitional issue will be abortion. Some Christians […]
Why Christians Should Empty Themselves of Kenotic Christology
God became a man. As we read through the New Testament, we will encounter what boggled even the mind of Paul the apostle. He wrote in 1st Timothy […]
Assessing The Firepower of The Reformed Arsenal: In Defense of William Lane Craig
There is a tendency amongst Reformed theologians to police other theologians, to dub themselves as detectives for Christ, seemingly exposing Christians who hold different views. They will often […]
How To Practice Religion Without Being Superstitious
As children of Descartes, westerners tend to think of the world in scientific terms. That may account for the increasing secularization of the culture. People are less likely […]