Christian apologetics is the practice of providing a defense of the Christian faith. This will be both positive and negative; providing evidence for God and interacting with the […]
How Presuppositionalism Is Theistic Fizz; It Makes God A Programmed, Arational Belief
If I were to ask somebody why they believe in God, she might tell me that God is the most plausible explanation for the existence of the universe. […]
Assessing Graham Oppy’s Book, The Best Argument Against God
As Graham Oppy pointed out somewhere in The Best Argument Against God, there are thoughtful, reflective people on both sides of every argument. Unfortunately, most people (atheists and […]
Why Are Evangelicals Casting The Doctrine of Eternal, Conscious Torment Into The Lake of Fire?
I do not have any statistics. What I am saying is a bit experiential and anecdotal, but it seems that more evangelical Christians are becoming amenable to the […]
When The Scientific Method Needs To Hand The Reins To Philosophers And Theologians
As children of the Christian thinker RenĂ© Descartes, western minds are less likely to accept truths based on the qualifications of some authority figure, whether that authority figure […]