Was Jesus Crucified?

It is less than surprising that laymen attempt to call into question the gospel account of the crucifixion of Christ, because they often attempt to reduce all of Christian belief to pure mythology. But the crucifixion is one of the most profound events that ever occurred; the sheer wrath of God went on the head of his only begotten Son. As Paul Washer put it, it took the slaughter of the Son of God to justify people like us. It is not surprising that this tremendous event would be bitterly…

Did The Disciples Make Up The Resurrection?

Since the resurrection of Christ, a plethora of bad explanations have arisen out of liberal scholarship that attempt to explain the surrounding data without the view that Jesus had been raised from the dead. In fact, this debate arose almost immediately, for when the tomb of Jesus was found empty, the disciples were instantly accused by the Jews of stealing the body and inventing the resurrection. In later centuries, many alternative explanations have been concocted, but none of them have really been firmly established in the circles of New Testament…

Did Paul Actually See Jesus?

Perhaps God’s most influential instrument was the apostle Paul, as he proclaimed the gospel message among an extraordinarily heavily persecuted time. He did not fly out to Jerusalem, preach, and then fly back to the United States to enjoy the comfort of his life. Preaching the gospel in hostile territory was his life, and far from mourning over such a life, he rejoiced that he could have the honor that is suffering for the sake of the Lord. God used Paul in such a way that he was one of…